Sunday, February 26, 2023
Social Media Site
Filming Equipment
For my documentary, I will be using an iPhone 14 to film. Last year, while filming my portfolio project for AS level (SCROW), I had a lot of trouble keeping my shots stable alongside getting the right lighting. For this, I plan on buying a smartphone video rig for my phone. This will not only help me stabilize my shots as it has two handles but will also improve the lighting in my shots as it has external lighting on it. On top of all of that, it also has microphone attachments that will enhance/capture sounds my phone cannot get as well.
What I Will Be Purchasing:
Shot stability and lighting are always a consistent issue within projects I make. I believe making this purchase will help mitigate these problems. I will be using this tool for the majority of my B-Roll Footage. I will be using a tripod for my interviews as they are completely still shots.
I was debating if I should make the documentary center over multiple cooks or just one. Given the short amount of time that I will have, I have come to the conclusion that I will only choose one chef. The project requires the production to be an excerpt of a documentary that is five minutes long. For this reason, I thought if I were to focus my project around multiple subjects, I would not have enough time to focus on other important things like the actual dish being made. On top of that, I believe I would not have enough time to interview each individual and focus on each of their stories. Because of there only being one subject, my cast list is extremely short. I mean EXTREMELY short. It will only consist of my mother who will be the chef in which my five minute excerpt revolves around.
Examples=Ideas and Inspiration
As I continue to make a whole of what I am completely doing with my documentary, I have been stuck on what types of shots I should take, auditory tips,etc. For this reason, I have decided to research and watch through pieces of food documentaries that already exist. Here are a few:
The first documentary I viewed as an example is Cooked on Netflix. It is an epi doc and shows how food writer Michael Pollan explores how cooking transforms and shapes our world. It also shows how big industries strip the way love and passion is put in food and how much the food PEOPLE make alongside their passion for it differ tremendously from how the big industries make it.
Link for Trailer:
The next documentary I viewed was Paul Hollywood Eats Japan: Complete Series (Food And Culture Documentary) By Real Stories. This documentary is centered around Paul Hollywood who visits Tokyo to experience the massive food culture there. In one particular scene, Paul visits a Michelin star restaurant. B Roll footage of the food being cooked in the pot is shown alongside the amplification of the noise of broth bubbling inside of it. I will be using this as inspiration for a similar B-Roll shot I plan on shooting.
Link for Documentary:
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Saturday, February 18, 2023
What My Documentary Will Be About
Because I am picking to do the documentary package. I have decided to plan the layout of my project. The series for my documentary is going to be about home cooking. In each episode, It will represent a different chef and they will describe their love for cooking while cooking a dish specific to them. Each chef is on their own level of cooking (some being more skilled than others). The chef for my episode will most likely be my mother as she has a great love for cooking and culinary arts at home. My five minute excerpt will most likely display around the middle and end of the episode and will show the true passion of a home cook chef.
When I Plan To Start Filming
I will plan to begin shooting around week four (2/20-2/26) or week 5 (2/27-3/5). Once I begin shooting, I will start with shooting B-Roll footage and record some audio pieces. After I shoot some B-Roll footage, I will aim to shoot most of my interview/s. The majority of my B-Roll footage should be able to get shot within a week or so and my interviews should take a couple days to complete.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
What I have learned throughout researching
For my project, I have decided to choose the documentary package option. For this, my entire series will be about the love for culinary arts on many different levels. Each episode will represent a different level of cooking. For my five minute excerpt I will be focusing on home cooking.
I have started to research my topic today and found some useful tips that will help me choose the shots I will end up taking along side the questions I will be asking and useful tips for sound.
Some of these shots include:
Shots that highlight the cook's passion. (close up shot of face) (show their focus)
Close up shots of hands Slicing, Cooking, Stirring, Etc.
Amplify sound of cooking (Diegetic Sound)
Put non diegetic sound over cooking and other B roll shots (voice over/interviews.
What the dish is in SPECIFIC detail
Break down each ingredient and what it means to you
Talk about the dish (how it originated with you whether it being family, experience , etc)
What it means to you on a deeper level
Why you love cooking
Talk about your love for culinary arts outside the dish (your blog)
Monday, February 13, 2023
Portfolio Project !
Portfolio Project Schedule
Throughout the next ten weeks I will have to stay on track to complete my Portfolio Project in an orderly fashion. For this reason, I have created a Schedule to keep me on track. Here it is:
Week One:
-Choose Project Type
-Do Require Blog Posts (+more)
-Begin to research
-Start developing an idea, plot, etc.
Week Two:
-Research on common conventions used within the genre
-Search for music/cast members for production
-Blog Posts
Week Three:
-Develop a solid final idea for my production
-Start filming/obtaining b-roll shots
-Blog Posts.
Week 4:
-Research more shot ideas for my project
-Continue production/filming (starting to film interviews)
-Blog Posts
-Get behind the scenes footage for Blog posts
Week 5:
-Create the social media page
-Finish Filming
-Blog Posts
Week 6
-Post Production (editing)
-Compiling all clips and putting them in the order in which I want
-Continuing to add to social media pages.
-Start writing small magazine article
-Blog posts
Week 7
-Continue editing production(hope to finish)
-Work/Finish magazine article
-Post on social media
-Blog Post
Week 8
-Start research for Critical Reflection
-Post to social Media
-Blog posts
-Review entire project for any errors (if any fix them)
Week 9
-Post to social media
-Compile entire project into on file
-Create CCR
-Blog Posts
Week 10
-Reflection of the entire project.
-Post final blog posts
-Post Critical reflection
-Submit Project.
Critical Reflection
In my documentary excerpt, Home Cooking, I intended to capture what brings almost everyone together. In this case, it is cooking. I wanted...
During the editing process, I had to make sure the audio is well-implemented with few flaws. Making sure the audio matches the vibe of the...
I will plan to begin shooting around week four (2/20-2/26) or week 5 (2/27-3/5). Once I begin shooting, I will start with shooting B-Roll ...