At first and for the first couple weeks, I thought that It would be a good idea to start filming with the main actor being me. I was extremely wrong with thinking this was a good idea. To begin, if I were to act in my own film (especially as the main character), I would have zero control on the camera position and everything else I would want to get the right shots and angles. This would ultimately lead to a poorer version of my film because I am giving the lens to a person who has no Idea what I want. In response to this change of mind, I decided to contact friends who would be open to acting as the main character. The main character in the scene is the victim because most of the shots are aimed on that person. At first I was worried that it would be difficult to find people to act but I have found someone is open to the job. For Scrow, I can actually usually anyone in my family such as my dad because it doesn't require much acting skill. To continue, there are minimal shots of Scrow which makes it even easier for the designated actor.
This week has been a bit difficult to film or do much because of certain circumstances. Although I have been enjoying my week long family vacation, it has been hard to do anything with the progression of development of this project because of my location. I plan on filming in my house, but because im on a ship; it’s impossible to get any shots that can be inputted into my opening without it not matching the overall setting. With time ticking down, and with there only about two weeks left in the project, it definitely has been adding a lot of stress and unwanted procrastination. It also frustrates me that I cant post the progression/behind the scenes of my film opening that I looked forward to posting on this blog this week. The good news is that I come back Sunday and plan to immediately start shooting tomorrow/Monday. All my behind the scenes footage and updates will be posted on here for everyone to see.
Day 1 Filming:
Shot 1: Shot of house from the outside. (SCROW labeling opportunity)
(music can start to play, but very low as we are in an outside of the house perspective)
Shot 2: Shot of Room right before the entrance of the kitchen. (music gets louder as we are inside)
Shot 3: Shots of person cleaning up kitchen beings. *Music plays continuously*
Shot 4: close tight shots of persons face focusing on cleaning up kitchen (most likely at sink cleaning pots) *Music plays continuously*
More shots of cleaning up (Different Angles of the room) *represents almost as if the person is being watched (which he/she is)
Day 2 filming:
Shot 1: shot of Scrow through the window *minimal lighting*
Shot 2: Person finishing up routine and walking into house
Shot 3: shot of open sliding glass window (shows scrow is in)
Shot 4: Shot of Scrows weapon on his side as he is walking towards bathroom
Shot 5: Kill
Lighting is one of the most important factors when it comes to filmmaking. I plan on mostly using dim lighting for my film opening to give off more of a horror aspect. Mind the fact, when shooting it's going to be at night so I will already have a dark aspect to the film. Whenever Scrow is in the frame (outside shots), I will only use MINIMAL lighting. I want the audience to mainly see his frame with only small amounts of detail. I am doing this so I can force the audience to fill in the blanks when it comes to Scrows appearance and overall vibe. If I successfully display a scary enough atmosphere, the imagination of my audience will immediately go to the scariest possibilities for Scrow.
Examples of Minimal Lighting:
“Friday The 13th” (2019)
“The Nun” (2018)
“Psycho” (1960)
Most of the materials for Scrows mask/costume have come in! I plan on adding a couple more things to the mask, but when it comes to the rest of the costume; I plan on purchasing a flannel shirt and pants such as jeans to complete the look. I will definitely cut up Scrows costume and add more details to the whole costume to make it look more jagged and add a horror aspect. Below will be a picture of the near completed mask for Scrow.
I plan to start filming once all my supplies come in. I am currently waiting on the shipment of materials that will add to Scrows costume. Once I acquire those materials, I will finish Scrows look and begin the filming process shortly after. I plan on using my iPhone for filming and will attach it to a “filming stick” to minimize the amount of shaking that is usually more evident on mobile phone recordings. The filming stick will also make the overall video seem more professional because of smooth movement.
I plan to film the entire opening scene in about one or two days. Because I am filming at night, the lighting will generally stay the same and weather won't play a role because I am filming most of my scene inside other than one scene in which Scrow is looking through the window for a couple seconds.
This is my current Storyboard for the opening scene of "Scrow". Although I am determined on how the scene will go down, I still expect to change the Storyboard as time goes on. Any changes will be uploaded here.
As time closes in and I get closer and closer to filming my opening, I have to make the decision on which props I will be using in my opening scene and the overall set design. I plan for my scene to be set in a modern suburban style house. The props will include things such as pots, pans, knives, forks, etc. This is because in the scene, the “victim” is doing his/her nightly routine/cleanup at the end of the day. I will also be having a shot in a hallway which will have minimal props and a bathroom which will have props such as brushes, soap, toothbrushes, etc.
As mentioned before, my film is heavily inspired from “Scream”. Like scream, the victim is in their home defenseless while the energy of the entity/killer grows as time goes on. In the next images, you will be able to see the set design of “Scream” and then the potential set design of my film “Scrow”.
“Scream” (1996) Opening Setting/Set Design for Dining Room/Living Room:
“Scrow” Potential Setting/Set Design for Living Room/Kitchen/Dining Room:
In my documentary excerpt, Home Cooking, I intended to capture what brings almost everyone together. In this case, it is cooking. I wanted...